Jason officially graduated last night as a Journeyman Electrician. He shook hands, posed for photos, and received his certificates (as well as a pretty snazzy pocket protector).
I keep wondering how the conversation between the guys standing at the front of the room went…something much like a conversation about who has the embarrassing mom in Junior High …”Dude! Whose wife is the pregnant one with braces? Ya know- the sweaty one with cankles, wearing high heels…She hasn’t stopped taking pictures or smiling like a goon since we got here!” Cue Jason’s “I don’t know, but I bet her husband is wishing he would have left her at home.”
I wanted to look good. I wore a “little” black maternity dress and heels and yes, even panty hose. My hair was done (thanks to my seriously patient sister-in-law, Kristen). My makeup was on. For the first time, I was meeting people in Jason’s other life, his work life. I wanted these important people to not do a shocked double-take when they saw me standing next to this…
Seriously, my husband looks like he just stepped off the pages of freaken GQ magazine (granted, this is his blue steel face…lol).
Anyway, the real point of this post…I couldn’t stop grinning. I’m so ridiculously proud of him. Over five years of hard work and homework and night classes and tests…he rocked it. When I think back to how our relationship started, I’m not even sure how we got to where we are now. It doesn’t matter really, because where we are is absolutely perfect.