Wednesday, July 25, 2012

More Pics :-)

In case anyone's curious, here some of my other favorites from our recent shoot with Shauna Welch.  The first collage I posted had a lot of my favorites in it already, but of course there are more.  These photos are melting my heart did my babies get so big!? 

These are my favorite "outtakes"...starting of course with the serious model, blue steel faces...

 Haha!  I love Shauna for trying, but this is a perfect example of why posed pictures just don't work for us.  Cohen is trying to slip from my grip, Addy's struggling to make the hand-on the-hip pose look natural, and I won't even start with what the heck Jason and I are doing...
 Continuing to struggle with the hand-on-the-hip...

 Checking out her split ends maybe??
 There was a lot of this...and honestly people, can you blame him for running?

Ask Shauna (OK - actually please don't...she knows far too much J), it was a hot mess but worth every minute.  Nitey Nite!

Sunday, July 22, 2012


It's an honor to get to do a wedding cake, but there's something so stinking fun about a cake for a kiddo...


So as to my promise from earlier this week.  Jason has spent the last month working on a job a little over two hours away (2 hours away plus 10 hour workdays equals only coming home for Saturday and Sunday).  For me, this has meant a taste of life as a single mom.  After a measly month, I have a whole new appreciation for military wives and single parents.  We did the skype thing, Addy did her dramatic, "I've always needed a daddy" thing, and I got used to throwing up my hands and laughing in the midst of the chaos that was me versus the kiddos.  I didn't sleep so well without Jason in the bed to "protect" me.  This may have had something to do with his impromptu instructional on the use of our handgun and his "dead men don't tell lies" speech.  Anyway, it didn't seem wise to shout from the rooftops that I was home alone and paralyzed with fear.  So after the kids went to bed and the chores were done, I watched embarrassingly horrible TV shows (gulp. Real Housewives) and worked until I fell asleep.  

Like I said, I have a lot of blogging to catch up on now that Jason's back, but for now, I've got a Sunday night movie and popcorn calling my name. 

Seacrest, Out.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

sneak peek...

I know it's been a while, but I wanted to share a sneak peek at our most recent family photos (to capture Cohen's 1 year and Addy's 3 year milestones).  This is all we've seen so far, but I can already tell that Shauna Welch did an amazing job...we look nothing like the hot messes that we actually were.  That's a story for another day - a day when I have even more redeeming photos to share.  :)

I promise to be back this weekend with a cake and an update on where I've been (obviously not blogging).  There have been some changes around here and I have lots of blogging to catch up on!  Toodles!  (yep, I said "toodles"...that's how stinkin' happy I am at right now)