Saturday, June 4, 2011


So…I have a lot of catching up to do.  Month end closing was crazy at work, and I’ve wanted to devote every spare moment to Addy, Jason, and my growing bean.  Now I’m going to take some time to just reflect.  It seems like we spent the entire week (when I wasn’t working) celebrating the 2 year anniversary of the beginning of Addy’s life.  We celebrated who she is, what we’ve learned from her, how we’ve been changed by her, and how perfectly lucky we are.  On Sunday we went to the children’s museum. 

On Monday we went to the zoo, out for her first Countrystyle ice cream cone, and then played in her pool in the driveway. 
We fed birds...
She rode on a pony...

This goat tried to eat my baby's precious hand...

We rode on the train...

and on the carousel...
(just like on her birthday last year)...

mmmm...a vanilla Countrystyle cone...

And pool time!

On Tuesday, her actual birthday, we ate her favorite pizza, gave her a shiny pink tricycle, and watched her blow out TWO candles on her cupcake (before we even finished the song).  We ended the night with a Mr. Bubble bath.  In case you don't know, that's the good stuff...the pink syrup that makes much more bubbles than the sensitive skin friendly stuff she usually gets. 

Any spare time was devoted to preparing for her birthday party.  Constructing felt owls, making favors, stuffing the pinata, baking cakes... All week Addy has heard me say, "That's for your birthday party!"  I can't wait to see her sweet face light up at the sight of all of her favorite people in one place at one time.  It's going to be magical.  What is it about a birthday party that makes me all sentimental? Watching our nephew Ethan at his birthday party made me want to burst into tears...what a little man he's become...

Anyway, two years ago we started an experience that we couldn’t even fathom the magnitude of.  Her.  And now she’s this little girl with pigtails and a personality.  I don’t know how it happened.  You don’t realize how true the clichés about children growing up quickly are until you live them and you’d give anything to go back, just for a day, to when she smelled like sweet milk and was swaddled snug in a blanket.  Still, I look forward to seeing what she will become, the beautiful person she will be. 
She puts the color inside of my world.  Happy Birthday, Addy.  Mama loves you.

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