Wednesday, October 26, 2011

one third of a year...

This guy is 4 months old today!  (For the record - I’d sleep there too if I could)
In the last month, he has rolled over (from stomach to back and from back to sides).  He’s gotten really great at holding his head steady.  He sleeps about 7 or 8 hours without eating each night.  He squeals and grunts and coos like crazy.  He has perfected the art of reaching out to grab something (and not let go).  His favorite things to grab are of course his blankie (which used to be his dad’s), toys and rings, and most importantly, hair!  We thought it was going to be DISASTER when he grabbed on to Miss Addy’s hair for the first time and wouldn’t let go.  We couldn't have been anymore wrong!  Sister loved that he was physically interacting with her.  They were both squealing in delight, and Addy still asks, “Can brother grab my hair?”  He loves to pose and check himself out in the mirror every night before bathtime.  He’s constantly sucking on his chubby little fist.  He drools like a champ (farts like one too)! 
We couldn’t be any more blessed...between Lil’ Homie and this girl…
it couldn’t get any better! 
Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!

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